HC Deb 30 July 1962 vol 664 cc31-3W
Mr. Malcolm MacMillan

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland, when it is intended to link the unfinished road in his estate in Lochportain, North Uist, with the main island road.

Mr. Noble

The construction of this link road is the first scheme on the county council's priority list for 1962–63. Its application for grant towards the cost of the work, which is estimated at over £100,000, is at present being considered.

Mr. Malcolm MacMillan

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what proposals have been submitted to him by Inverness County Council for the construction of an internal circular road in the Isle of Grimsay, North Uist; and from what bodies or individuals he has received representations regarding the need for such a road.

Mr. Noble

No proposals have been submitted by the county council. Various representations have been received from the islanders of Grimsay, the most recent being in February, 1962.

Mr. Malcolm MacMillan

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what is the estimated cost of the road at East Gerinish, in South Uist; and what is the number of households and persons, respectively, which it will serve.

Mr. Noble

£47,250; the road will serve 11 crofts and 46 people.

Mr. Malcolm MacMillan

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what road schemes for South Uist have been submitted to him by Inverness County Council for undertaking in the near future; and which of them have been approved by him.

Mr. Noble

A scheme has been approved for the construction of a new road at Kildonan at an estimated cost of over £22,500: work is expected to start this year. Work is now in progress on the construction of the East Gerinish road.

Mr. Malcolm MacMillan

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what proposals for a road at South Glendale, Isle of South Uist, have been submitted to him by the County Council of Inverness; and what priority this scheme has been given in their list of proposed roads.

Mr. Noble

The council's proposal is for the construction of 1.6 miles of road between the Ludaig Jetty road and Glendale township at an estimated cost of £32,000. The scheme is sixth on its current priority list of township road schemes.

Mr. Malcolm MacMillan

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what 'representations he has received from Ross and Cromarty County Council regarding the proposed road from Ness to Tolsta, in the Isle of Lewis; what priority has been accorded to this scheme in the county list; and what his reply has been to the county council regarding his approval of the project.

Mr. Noble

The scheme is third in the county's list of roads which it would like included in the Highland new road programme and there are others elsewhere to which a higher priority must be accorded. The question of approving it has therefore not arisen.

Mr. Malcolm MacMillan

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what proposals or information he has received from Inverness County Council regarding the need for a road at Flodda, Benbecula; and what action is contemplated.

Mr. Noble

I understand the county council has a scheme in mind, but not as a high priority.

Mr. Malcolm MacMillan

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what proposals or information he has received from Inverness County Council about the proposed internal circular road in Baleshare, North Uist.

Mr. Noble

I understand that Inverness County Council has such a scheme in view but has awarded it no high priority. I have no particulars of it.

Mr. Malcolm MacMillan

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he is aware that young children from Hacklet, Benbecula, have to walk long distances to and from school through waterlogged marsh and drains and rocky ground; and what proposals the county council of Inverness-shire have for the construction of a proper access road for the children.

Mr. Noble

No complaint has been made to me, and so far as I am aware the county council has no proposals for an access road under active consideration.