HC Deb 14 February 1962 vol 653 cc175-6W
Mr. Willey

asked the Minister of Education which recommendations of the Albemarle Report he has implemented; which recommendations he has not implemented; and what steps he is taking to implement those recommendations.

Sir D. Eccles

I have implemented, either wholly or with modifications, the following recommendations set out in chapter 10 of the Albemarle Report:—1, 2, 3, 12, 17, 20, 23, 29, 30, 31, 34, 36, 37. Alternative arrangements have been made to give effect to the intention behind recommendations 21 and 24.

The position in regard to the other recommendations requiring my action is as follows: Recommendations 16 and 35 In keeping with the Government's decision to defer for the time being action on the Report of the Wolfenden Committee on Sport and the Community, I have taken only limited action on these. Recommendation 19 I have increased the number of my grants for students taking full courses of training. Social workers holding degrees or diplomas in social science may become qualified youth leaders without further training. Recommendation 32 Representatives of the local education authorities know that I have it in mind to discuss this with them at an appropriate time. Recommendation 40 I think that local authorities are sufficiently aware of their powers under the Acts referred to. Recommendation 42 This is a matter which is within the discretion of the local education authorities.

Most of the other recommendations in the Report are mainly for action by the other partners in the Youth Service, the local education authorities and the voluntary organisations. Through my Department's Circulars, conferences arranged by Her Majesty's Inspectors, and by articles in the broadsheet Youth Service the local education authorities and voluntary bodies are well aware of my general desire that effect shall be given to the recommendations of the Albemarle Committee and that local initiative shall continue to match the lead given by the Government.