HC Deb 21 December 1962 vol 669 cc276-7W
Mr. Malcolm MacMillan

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will list each road scheme, other than Crofter County Scheme works, now proceeding on the mainland of Inverness-shire, giving the estimated cost of each; and if he will give the same information for the islands of Harris, North Uist, South Uist, Benbecula, and Barna respectively.

Mr. Noble

Most of the road schemes in Inverness-shire are in the Crofter Counties Programme works to a total cost of £1,440,000 are in progress or authorised on the mainland (including Skye) and £208,000 on the islands named

Location in Inverness-shire Scheme Class of road Estimated Cost
(a) In progress— £
Mainland A.82 Provision of layby at Urauhart Castle Trunk 1,000
South Uist East Gerinish Township 50,000
Skye Balmeanach Road Township 21,136
Skye Bornesketaig Road Township 15,453
(b) Approved for grant and awaiting start of work—
Mainland Footpaths at Boat of Garten Class III 20,000
Mainland Bridge at Locharkaigside Class III 5,500
North Uist Lochportain link road Township 108,000
South Uist Access road, Kildonan Township 22,700

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