HC Deb 11 April 1962 vol 657 cc132-3W
68. Mr. Biggs-Davison

asked the Lord Privy Seal, having regard to Her Majesty's Government's initiative in referring the question of slavery to the United Nations Economic and Social Council, which member States of the United Nations Organisation have still not ratified the Slavery Conventions; and what are the special circumstances delaying such ratification.

1956 Mr. P. Thomas

As some forty-seven members of the United Nations have not yet ratified the 1926 Convention and sixty-eight have not yet acceded to the Supplementary Convention of 1956, I will, with permission, circulate a list in the OFFICIAL REPORT. With regard to the second part of my hon. Friend's Question, it is not for Her Majesty's Government to attempt to explain the actions of other Governments.

States members of the United Nations which are not parties to theSlavery Convention

Albania. Indonesia.
Argentina. Iran.
Bolivia. Japan.
Brazil. Laos.
Cambodia. Luxembourg.
Central African Republic. Madagascar.
Chad. Mali.
Chile. Mauritania.
Colombia. Mongolia.
Congo (Brazzaville). Nepal.
Congo (Leopoldville) Panama.
Costa Rica. Paraguay.
Cuba Peru.
Cyprus. Saudi Arabia.
Dahomey. Senegal.
El Salvador. Sierra Leone.
Ethiopia. Somalia.
Federation of Malaya. Tanganyika.
Gabon. Thailand.
Ghana. Togo.
Guatemala. Upper Volta.
Guinea. Uruguay.
Honduras. Venezuela.
Iceland. Yemen.

States members of the United Nations which are not parties to the Supplementary Slavery Convention,

Afghanistan. Lebanon.
Argentina. Liberia.
Austria. Libya.
Belgium. Luxembourg.
Bolivia. Madagascar.
Brazil. Mali.
Burma. Mauritania.
Cameroun. Mongolia.
Canada. Nepal.
Central African Republic. New Zealand.
Chad. Nicaragua.
Chile. Niger.
Colombia. Panama.
Congo (Brazzaville). Paraguay.
Congo (Leopoldville). Peru.
Costa Rica. Philippines.
Cyprus. Poland.
Dahomey. Saudi Arabia.
El Salvador. Senegal.
Ethiopia. Sierra Leone.
France. Somalia.
Gabon. South Africa.
Ghana. Spain.
Greece. Syria.
Guatemala. Tanganyika.
Guinea. Thailand.
Honduras. Togo.
Iceland. Tunisia
Indonesia. Turkey.
Iraq. United States.
Ivory Coast. Venezuela.
Japan. Yemen.