- Metropolitan Police District (Mobile Patrols) 80 words
- Magistrates' Courts (Recording Equipment) 58 words
- Crime (Press Reports) 94 words
- Road Accidents (Statements) 101 words
- Prisons (Assaults) 107 words
- Remanded Children 49 words
- Estate Agents (Registration) 81 words
- Visas (Foreign Office Consultations) 72 words
- Captain Galvao (Visa) 44 words
- Remand Homes 160 words
- Firearms (Licences) 111 words
- Traffic Wardens 228 words
- Civil Defence (Recruiting Campaign) 75 words
- Fire Brigades (Air-raid Sirens) 68 words
- Justices of the Peace (Payments) 61 words
- Prostitution 141 words
- Portland Borstal (Abscondences) 78 words
- Discharged Prisoners (After-care) 104 words