HC Deb 17 April 1961 vol 638 cc59-60W
48. Sir B. Janner

asked the Minister of Pensions and National Insurance whether he is aware that hardship is caused in Leicester and elsewhere by no increase being made in the ultimate retirement pension of a wife who was under the age of 60 years when her husband was earning his increments by con-

as a result of the sale of the Greyhope Road Scientific Station, Aberdeen, by his Department.

Mr. Vane

The Department has terminated the employment of 12 people and transferred 32 to other Government posts. Of the 12 who have left Government employment, 11 are known to have obtained jobs. In addition 49 industrial staff were employed by MacFisheries Ltd. under a Service Agency Agreement, which terminated on 31st March and of these 40 have been retained by Unilever Ltd. at Greyhope Road. Of the nine who were not kept on, three were married women and four were men over the age of 65.

Further details are given in the following table:

tinuing to work after the age of 65 years; whether he has yet received a report from the National Insurance Advisory Committee on the matter; and what steps he proposes to take to deal with the position.

Mr. Boyd-Carpenter

The Answer to the first two parts of the Question is "No". As regards the last part, I must wait the Report of the National Insurance Advisory Committee on this complex matter.