HC Deb 26 March 1959 vol 602 cc184-6W
Mr. Malcolm MacMillan

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland from whom, in addition to the hon. Member for the Western Isles, he has recently received representations regarding the need for a road at Flodda Benbecula; what reply he has given; and on how many previous occasions similar representations have been received from the persons or bodies named.

Lord John Hope

Last month representations were received from one crofter who wrote on behalf of himself and seventeen others. He was informed that if and when proposals for a road scheme at Flodda were put forward by the county council they would receive full consideration. Similar representations were received in 1956.

Mr. Malcolm MacMillan

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what is the current average cost per mile of trunk road construction or major reconstruction in Scotland; and if he will state the figure in respect of similar work under the Crofter Counties programme.

Mr. N. Macpherson

Recent experience with the larger trunk road schemes in rural areas, excluding schemes which are mainly or exclusively bridge schemes, has been that the average cost per mile of a dual carriageway road is about £120,000; of a 24 feet single carriageway about £60,000; and of an 18 feet single carriageway under the crofter counties programme between £40,000 and £50,000. The cost of reconstructing a classified road under the crofter counties programme to provide an 11 feet road with passing places is about £30,000 per mile. These are average figures and the cost per mile of individual schemes may vary considerably.

Mr. Malcolm MacMillan

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what is the estimated cost of bringing the Butt of Lewis to Rodel road, in Lewis and Harris, up to the standard of the trunk roads in the north-west Highlands.

Mr. N. Macpherson

The standard of reconstruction aimed at in respect of trunk roads in the north-west Highlands is the provision of an 18 feet carriageway; it is estimated that to reconstruct the road from the Butt of Lewis to Rodel to this standard would cost over £3 million.

Mr. Malcolm MacMillan

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what is the estimated cost of the section of the Rodel to Tarbert road on which it is proposed to start work this year; how many local men it is estimated it will employ; and for how long.

Mr. N. Macpherson

My right hon. Friend has asked Inverness County Council to prepare for authorisation in 1959–60 a scheme for the reconstruction of about five miles of the Tarbert-Rodel road at an estimated cost of £105,000. It is expected that an average of 25–30 men, most of whom will be local, will be employed for about two and a half years on this scheme.

Mr. Malcolm MacMillan

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland how many applications for financial assistance towards the respective cost of constructing and extending peat roads in the Western Isles have been submitted since 1955 to the Crofters Commission; in how many cases it has given assistance; and what the Commission's total contribution has been to date.

Lord John Hope

Two applications for assistance for constructing or improving peat roads in the Western Isles had been submitted to the Crofters Commission up to 31st December last. An offer of grant of approximately £130 was made in one case; the other is under examination.

Mr. Malcolm MacMillan

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland in how many instances the Crofters Commission have given financial assistance to individuals or townships towards the cost of local access roads or paths, other than peat roads, in the Western Isles; and if he will list the townships affected.

Lord John Hope

Forty-two grants had been offered in respect of such roads up to 31st December last; these comprised thirty-nine grants to individuals and three to the following townships—Horgabost and Seilebost, Harris; Paiblesgarry in North Uist; and Quidinish in Harris.