HC Deb 18 March 1959 vol 602 cc30-1W
55. Mr. Beswick

asked the Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation on what date he decided to increase aircraft landing charges and the passenger handling surcharge; when these increases will become effective; and whether the passenger surcharge will be collected separately from each passenger.

Mr. Watkinson

For the reasons mentioned in the House on 11th February, I decided in January to increase aircraft landing fees and the passenger service charge. The bodies representative of the various interests were notified at that time that the increases would date from 1st April, 1959, or as soon as possible thereafter.

The increases in landing fees will become effective from 1st April, 1959. In the case of the passenger service charge—which is levied on the airlines but passed on by them to the passengers—I am arranging for a month or so's grace beyond 1st April to be given in order that airlines can complete arrangements for their United Kingdom travel agents to precollect the charge at the new rate.

Following an announcement in the House on 8th March, 1954, the airlines agreed a scheme under which the charge is collected when the passenger pays for his ticket in this country or, in the case of return journeys abroad, when the passenger makes the reservation for the return journey from the United Kingdom.