HC Deb 29 July 1959 vol 610 cc93-4W
Mr. Skeffington

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies what number and what percentage of African children in Tanganyika are now in primary and secondary schools; how many are undergoing technical education, other than secondary; and what the estimated numbers of children in the three categories are expected to be at the end of the next 5 and 10 years, respectively.

Mr. Lennox-Boyd,

pursuant to his reply [OFFICIAL REPORT, 13th July, 1959; Vol. 609, c. 11], supplied the following information:

Details for African children now at school in Tanganyika are:

  1. (a) primary—382,144: 43 per cent. of age group.
  2. (b) middle—39,753: 4.5 per cent. of age group.
  3. (c) secondary—4,220: 0.47 per cent. of age group.
  4. (d) technical (including trade)—1,799.

The position in 1964, assuming that development of the educational system continues at the present rate, is estimated as being:

  1. (a) primary—450,000.
  2. (b) middle64,000.
  3. (c) secondary—5,900.
  4. (d) technical (including trade)—2,200.

It would be unrealistic at this stage to attempt any estimate of the numbers of children who will be attending schools in Tanganyika in 1969.