HC Deb 18 December 1958 vol 597 c240W
Mr. Shurmer

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he is aware of the concern felt by housewives and fish friers in the city of Birmingham at the high prices of potatoes; and what steps, other than the imposition of price control, he proposes to take to reduce these prices and to see that growers do not hold back supplies, thus causing a shortage, in the retail shops in the new year which may result in a further increase in prices.

Mr. Hare

I am aware of the concern felt about the high prices of potatoes. By deciding to admit imports early in November last the Government have already taken effective action to alleviate the shortage of supplies caused by the poor home crop. Since then about 100,000 tons of potatoes have been imported and this has helped materially to keep retail prices fairly stable. Imports can come in from all sources that are acceptable under the Plant Health Regulations and the trade should secure all the additional supplies that are available.

Complaints about growers holding back supplies are misconceived because the disposal of the crop must be spread as evenly as possible over the whole maincrop season: it is therefore essential in the interests of consumers that some potatoes should be held over for sale later in the season. The hon. Member will have seen the Press Notice about potato supplies recently issued by the Potato Marketing Board repeating last year's advice to growers that a steadily moving trade at reasonable prices is the policy to follow. I endorse that advice.