HC Deb 25 October 1956 vol 558 cc58-9W
9. Mr. F. Willey

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many men and women, respectively, were enrolled in Civil Defence at the latest available date ; and by how many these figures have increased during the preceding 12 months.

Major Lloyd-George

On 30th September, 1956, 176,669 men and 242,944 women in Great Britain were enrolled in the Civil Defence Corps, the Auxiliary Fire Service and the National Hospital Service Reserve. These totals are respectively 11,180 and 5,620 less than the corresponding totals for the year before. In addition there were on 15th December, 1955, the latest date for which I have figures, 206,026 members of the Industrial Civil Defence Service, 30,446 more than a year before. Separate figures for the numbers of men and women in the Industrial Civil Defence Service are not available.

Civil Defence Corps Auxiliary Fire Service National Hospital Service Reserve
Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total
England and Wales
Strength : 30th September, 1956 142,544 179,516 322,060 14,579 4,524 19,103 4,556 38,499 43,055
Increase or decrease in last 12 months −11,181 − 7,881 −19,162 − 709 − 396 − 1,105 + 201 + 949 + 1,150
Scotland Strength : 30th September, 1956 12,767 13,387 26,154 691 262 953 1,532 6,756 8,288
Increase or decrease in last 12 months + 351 + 948 + 1,299 + 6 − 13 − 7 + 152 + 773 + 925
Industrial Civil Defence Service
Strength 15.12.55 Increase in previous 12 months
England and Wales 191,169 +29,052
Scotland 14,857 + 1,394