HC Deb 01 February 1956 vol 548 cc107-8W
50. Mr. Callaghan

asked the Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation what action he has taken since he was sent on 7th August anonymous but detailed allegations, which he undertook to investigate, that the drivers of vehicles owned by a large brewery company are working illegally long hours; and why his inquiries have taken so long.

Mr. Watkinson

Inquiries into this case, which have been long and complicated, resulted in the issue by the Licensing Authority for Goods Vehicles for the Metropolitan Traffic Area of 54 summonses against the operator concerned, 27 of which related to the employment of drivers without the minimum statutory period for rest and 27 for failing to cause drivers to keep current records. Convictions were recorded in all instances and fines totalling £65 with 15 guineas costs were imposed.