9. Mr. John Hallasked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if he will make a statement about the proposals to transfer the activities of the Green Pool organisation to the Organisation for European Economic Co-operation; and, in particular, what effect these proposals will have on the availability of timber for the British furniture and other industries.
§ Mr. TurtonPursuant to a decision taken unanimously on 10th July, 1954, by the countries participating in the Green Pool (the European Conference on the Organisation of Agricultural Markets) the activities of this Conference have been transferred to the Organisation for European Economic Co-operation. The conditions on which this transfer took place included the establishment of a Ministerial Committee of the Organisation for European Economic Co-operation for Agriculture and Food and the strengthening of the agricultural side of the Organisation for European Economic Cooperation Secretariat.
Her Majesty's Government welcome these arrangements whereby problems of European economic co-operation in food and agricultural questions can be considered not in isolation but in relation to the European economy as a whole. The answer to the second part of the question is "None."