HC Deb 10 March 1954 vol 524 cc157-8W
78. Mr. J. Johnson

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies what schemes of economic development are contemplated for Nyasaland.

Mr. J. Foster

In addition to schemes of economic development which have already been started in Nyasaland, the following are among those now contemplated. Their timing and financing have still to be considered, and in many cases the details have still to be worked out before final decisions are taken.

  1. 1. Cotton Experimental Station, Lower River.
  2. 2. Equipment and Buildings Experimental Station.
  3. 3. Dam Building Unit.
  4. 4. Fencing Material Scheme.
  5. 5. Chilwa Rice Pilot Project.
  6. 6. Hydrological Survey.
  7. 7. Shire Valley Hydro-Electrical and Irrigation Scheme (First Stage):
    1. (a) Construction of Barrage.
    2. (b) Hydro-Electric Scheme with flood storage and transmission.
    3. (c)Pilot Irrigation schemes.
  8. 8. Livestock Improvement Centres, Capital Development.
  9. 9. New Livestock Improvement Centre, Karonga.
  10. 10. Central Abattoir, Blantyre/Limbe.
  11. 11. Extension of Dipping Services Mzimba/Kasungu.
  12. 12. Poultry Development Scheme.
  13. 13. Ranching Scheme Palombe Plain.
  14. 14. Veterinary Training Centres, Mbawa and Mokolongwe.
  15. 15. Softwood Afforestation Scheme.
  16. 16. Silvicultural Research Station.
  17. 17. Forest Roads.
  18. 18. New water drilling unit, Northern Province.
  19. 19. Establishment of Fish Farms.
  20. 20. Model Fishery.

In addition, considerable capital expenditure is envisaged on roads, railways, harbours and airfields.

The Federal Government will shortly take over responsibility for a number of these projects