HC Deb 29 July 1954 vol 531 cc93-4W
95. Mr. P. Williams

asked the Minister of Labour what further steps he is taking to encourage the employment of older people in industry.

Sir W. Monckton

Since the issue of the first report of the National Advisory Committee, my officers have taken active steps to bring its findings to the notice of all who are concerned with the problems of older workers. The principal recommendations of the report have commanded a wide measure of acceptance from employers, trade unions, and the general public, and an encouraging amount of evidence has come to the notice of the Ministry of the removal, or modification of restrictions on the employment of older persons.

My Ministry will continue to do all that it can to encourage employers to consider older people on their merits, without regard to their age. The National Advisory Committee is continuing its work, including the further examination of some of the important matters raised in its report. I am most grateful for the assistance which has been given both by members of the committee and by local employment committees and other bodies throughout the country in focusing attention upon this subject.