HC Deb 17 June 1953 vol 516 cc73-4W
Mr. Hobson

asked the Assistant Postmaster-General (1) at what time and date the cable fault developed affecting Enterprise Exchange, London Telecommunications Region; and what was the time and date it was repaired;

(2)what were the number of lines affected by the recent breakdown affecting Enterprise Exchange, London Telecommunications Region; and what was the location and cause of the fault;

(3)what special measures were taken by his supervising, maintenance and operating staff to deal with the breakdown affecting Enterprise Exchange, London Telecommunications Region;

(3)why incoming callers to Enterprise Exchange, London Telecommunications Region, on 8th June, were not informed of the breakdown, even when special inquiries were made on Enterprise 0101, until after 9 p.m.;

(4)what technical difficulties there were that prevented many subscribers calling lines on Enterprise Exchange, London Telecommunications Region, and subscribers on Enterprise, on 8th June, from being informed of a breakdown.

Mr. Gammans

The first fault developed during the night of 7th-8th June, affecting, ultimately, 119 subscribers' lines. It was traced at noon on the 8th to a fracture of the cable sheath, probably due to electrolytic erosion in Church Hall Road, East Barnet. Service was completely restored on a temporary basis by noon on the 10th. A further fault developed at 8.45 a.m. on 11th June on another section of the same cable due to the same cause, and more than 400 subscribers were affected. Restoration on a temporary basis was completed at 11.30 a.m. on the 13th.

Since there was likely to be some delay in restoring service to some of the subscribers they were notified by letter. As individual lines were reported or found faulty, "number unobtainable" tone was applied to them and the operators were notified and prepared lists of subscribers affected by the breakdown.

I regret that, without more precise details, I have been unable to find out why the required information was not given promptly, even to the subscriber who dialled Enterprise 0101.