HC Deb 23 July 1953 vol 518 cc67-8W
90 and 91. Mr. Ellis Smith

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Works, as representing the Lord President of the Council (1) what action has been taken on the suggestions made at the Commonwealth Scientific Conference held in Canberra and Melbourne in 1952; and what action has been taken on the proposed programme of scientific collaboration and on Recommendation 8 (b) on agricultural engineering;

(2) what action has been taken, or is intended to be taken, on Recommendation 33, which suggested scientific and technical manpower for undeveloped countries and allied recommendations made at the Commonwealth Scientific Conference held in Australia in 1952.

Mr. Molson

The Commonwealth Scientific Conference made 44 recommendations covering many technical and administrative aspects of Commonwealth scientific collaboration. Their Report stands referred to the several Commonwealth Governments who, I understand, have accepted its recommendations in principle. It is not possible to deal with these recommendations in detail, but the Standing Committee appointed to follow them up has already initiated action on the great majority.

As regards the specific matters referred to by the hon. Member, I am advised that the various proposals relating to a programme of scientific collaboration are being examined as necessary. The note on agricultural engineering called for by Recommendation 8 (b) has been prepared and a specialist conference is being convened for next year. In accordance with Recommendation 33 a study has been undertaken of the problems involved in the supply by the Commonwealth of scientific and technical personnel to help under-developed countries.