HC Deb 16 December 1953 vol 522 c74W
128. Mr. Emrys Hughes

asked the Lord Advocate the costs of the recent trial in Edinburgh, when certain persons were charged with conspiracy to overthrow Her Majesty's Government.

The Lord Advocate

The expenses amounted, in all, to approximately £137, made up of allowances to witnesses and jurors, and shorthand writers' fees. In Scotland, no fees are paid to Crown counsel in connection with criminal proceedings.

129. Mr. Emrys Hughes

asked the Lord Advocate why, in the recent trial at the High Court at Edinburgh, he charged the accused with conspiracy to overthow Her Majesty's Government in Scotland and not with being in unlawful possession of gelignite.

The Lord Advocate

The four accused persons were charged with a contravention of Section 3 of the Explosive Substances Act, 1883, in respect that they were in unlawful possession of gelignite with intent to endanger life and to cause serious injury to property, as an alternative to a common law charge of conspiring to alter the Constitution by illegal means.