HC Deb 02 December 1953 vol 521 cc138-9W
92. Mr. Hargreaves

asked the Assistant Postmaster-General when it will be possible to extend the use of very high frequencies for sound broadcasting beyond the experimental stage.

Mr. Gammans

I regret that I can make no further statement on this subject until the Television Advisory Committee has reported to my noble Friend.

93 and 96. Mr. Callaghan

asked the Assistant Postmaster-General (1) whether it is still the policy of his Department that merchant ships should be fitted with amplitude modulation (very high frequency) equipment for purposes of communicating with each other and with aircraft; and why his representatives at the recent International Radio Conference failed to make this clear;

(2) if he is aware of the uncertainty in the shipping industry brought about by a proposal that the commonly-used amplitude modulation (very high frequency) communicating equipment should be substituted by frequency modulation (very high frequency) equipment; and if, in view of the fact that such a change would prevent ship-to-aircraft communication and would involve additional expense, he will consult with the shipping and air interests affected.

Mr. Gammans

I am aware that uncertainty has existed for some time past owing to failure to reach international agreement on the system of modulation to be used for the very high frequency radio services on ships. The shipping industry and the radio industry (with the exception of one manufacturer) have agreed that it would be in the national interests to resume discussions internationally with a proposal in favour of standardisation on frequency modulation, and there is at last some prospect of reaching agreement and of removing the uncertainty.