HC Deb 12 November 1951 vol 493 cc8-9W
61. Mr. Sorensen

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs who, at present, exercises responsibility for relief work in Korea; in addition to the £10 million contributed for this purpose by His Majesty's Government, how much is available; and how relief and reconstruction is now proceeding.

Mr. Nutting

The responsibility for relief work in Korea is at present held by the United Nations Civil Assistance Command. By far the largest contribution has been made by the United States Government through the Unified Command. Excluding what the United Kingdom and United States have contributed, the total of cash and commodities pledged or contributed from all other sources amounts to about $24 million.

Good progress has been made in relief work in that part of Korea under the control of the United Nations. Adequate food supplies have been made available to the Korean civil population and there have been no major epidemics; but it has not yet been possible to embark on any large-scale reconstruction of housing.