HC Deb 18 October 1950 vol 478 cc248-9W
65. Mr. Dodds

asked the Minister of Food how many prosecutions for overcharging in the sale of meat have been instituted by his Department since 1st January, 1950; and what steps he proposes to take to deal more effectively with this problem.

Mr. Webb

From 1st January to 30th September this year 617 butchers were prosecuted for overcharging on meat on a total of 1,821 charges. I have asked my Department to make a special investigation of the problem and in the meantime my enforcement officers have had instructions to give it high priority. Housewives could greatly assist them by providing evidence if they are overcharged.

Major Legge-Bourke

asked the Minister of Food for what purpose he has ordered the inquiry into alleged over-charging by some retail butchers; if he is now in a position to make a statement; and if any other similar inquiries are to be instituted into other trades.

Mr. Webb

I recognise, as I have said in the past, that the great majority of butchers co-operate loyally with the Ministry in securing a fair service to consumers. But I have received reports from my regional offices and from many hon. Members which indicate the prevalence of overcharging on sales of meat and widespread public concern about it. These reports were amply confirmed in my own experience during a recent visit I made to some of my regional offices. Accordingly, I ordered an investigation to be made through the enforcement division of my Department. Any action resulting from it will be taken in the normal course of the division's work.

In reply to the last part of the Question, it is the duty of my enforcement officers to enforce the Ministry Orders as they affect various food trades; and special attention is, of course, always given to specific enforcement problems as they arise.