§ Mr. Nallyasked the President of the Board of Trade if he will make a statement as to the further steps he now proposes to take concerning the utility cotton goods scheme.
Mr. H. WilsonYes. Following consultations with the cotton industry I have decided to appoint a Committee under the chairmanship of the Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Trade to inquire into the supply position of utility cotton goods and the changes in the utility cotton scheme which may be required in the future.
The terms of reference of the Committee are to consider and advise on:
(1) any further steps necessary to secure an early increased supply of utility-type cotton goods, i.e. goods which carry a satisfactory assurance of quality for sale at controlled prices; and(2) any changes, both in the present utility scheme for cotton goods and otherwise, which may be desirable in the longer term to secure for the buying public the continued advantage of quality standards and reasonable prices.The following is to be the membership of the Committee:
- The Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Trade, Chairman.
- Mr. S. P. Abrams—Director, Nelson Wear Ltd.
- Mr. Donald Barber, C.B.E.—Director, Retail Distributors' Association.
- Mr. F. H. Beckett—Director Whitworth & Mitchell. Ltd.
87- Sir Cuthbert Clegg—Chairman, Cotton Spinners' & Manufacturers' Association.
- Mr. L. F. Cockcroft—Chairman, Weaving Advisory Committee of the Cotton Board.
- Mr. Percy Good, C.B.E.—Director. British Standards Institution.
- Sir Ralph Lacey—Director, Yarn Spinners' Association.
- Mr. A. N. Silver—London Co-operative Society.
- Sir Raymond Streat, C.B.E.—Chairman of the Cotton Board.
- Mr. R. Thomas—Director, Cepea Fabrics, Ltd.
- Mr. H. E. Wadsworth—Assistant Secretary, the Cotton Board.
- Mr. S. G. Wilson—Director, Pawsons & Leafs, Ltd.
- Sir Richard Yeabsley, C.B.E.—Accountant Adviser to the Board of Trade.
- Official representatives of the Board of Trade.
- The Secretary to the Committee is Mr. H. W. Morris, Board of Trade.
Similar questions arise as regards rayon goods, and arrangements have been made for discussions with the rayon industry as to whether the work of considering these questions should be dealt with by this Committee, suitably extended, or in conjunction with it in some other way. I hope to make an announcement regarding this at an early date.