HC Deb 26 January 1949 vol 460 c141W
111. Mr. Skinnard

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies what communication he has received from the Committee on Youth Organisation in the Gold Coast with reference to the banning of a youth conference, proposed to be held in Kumasi in December; and whether he has any statement to make.

Mr. Creech Jones

I have received a telegram of protest. It is not the Conference which was banned, but a series of public meetings advertised to take. place in Kumasi in connection with it over the Christmas holiday season. The Gold Coast authorities had reason to fear that disorders might take place if the meetings were held at that particular period. They also had in mind the fact that the Committee on Constitutional Reform was shortly to commence its sittings. They therefore decided that it was inexpedient in the interests of public safety that the meetings should be held at that particular time and place.

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