HL Deb 22 February 1949 vol 160 cc1071-2WA

asked His Majesty's Government:

  1. (1) Why the Board of Trade did not consult the Scottish section of those carrying on the clothing industry, before issuing the "Proposals for a Development Council for the Clothing Industry" as required by Section 1 (3) of the Industrial Organisation and Development Act, 1947; and
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  3. (2) Will the Board of Trade now consult the Edinburgh headquarters of the Scottish clothing industry with a view to ascertaining their opinion of the draft proposals, and to amending the same if necessary, before submitting the scheme to Parliament, as required by Section 1 (6) of the Act.


Section 1 (3) of the Industrial Organisation and Development Act, 1947, requires the Minister concerned to consult any organisation appearing to him to be representative of substantial numbers of persons carrying on business in the industry. So far as the Scottish section of the clothing industry is concerned, the Board of Trade have consulted the Scottish Light Clothing Manufacturers' Association and the Scottish Federation of Merchant Tailors. They have also consulted the principal United Kingdom clothing trade associations, most of which include Scottish firms among their membership. The whole of the clothing industry has in any case been publicly invited to comment on these proposals before March 5. The Board of Trade are not clear what is meant by "the Edinburgh headquarters of the Scottish clothing industry." If the noble Marquess will provide the name and address of the organisation which he has in mind, the Board will certainly draw its attention specifically to the non-Parliamentary publication containing the proposals and give careful consideration to any comments which it makes before this date.