HC Deb 18 November 1948 vol 458 c64W
86. Mr. H. D. Hughes

asked the Minister of Health the acreages of land in water gathering grounds where there are restrictions on agriculture and where public access is prohibited, respectively.

Mr. Bevan

Complete information is not available. Evidence submitted to the Gathering Grounds Sub-Committee of the Central Advisory Water Committee by a number of water undertakers in regard to areas totalling 380,061 acres showed that there were restrictions on agriculture over 87,492 acres and public access was prohibited over 33,454 acres.

88. Mr. H. D. Hughes

asked the Minister of Health what steps he proposes to take to implement the report of the Gathering Grounds Sub-committee, which recommended that, subject to certain limitations, the public should be allowed access to gathering grounds.

Mr. Bevan

Copies of the report were sent to all water undertakings, who will, I am sure, give full consideration to the recommendations.