§ 72. Mr. P. Freemanasked the President of the Board of Trade how many milk bottles and how many milk cartons are being produced per week at the present time; and what is the approximate weight of coal required for their manufacture per ton in each case.
§ Mr. BelcherAbout 3¾ million milk bottles, each of which averages some fifty journeys, are being produced every week, and their production involves about 4/5ths of a ton of coal for each ton of bottles, including that required for the production of the constituent raw materials. In the case of milk cartons, we are licensing paper for the production of about 1¼ million a week, but owing to the shortage of coal, paper mills may have found difficulty in supplying the full quantity, although I hope that the position has improved with the increase in the coal allocation. The amount of coal required is about two tons to one ton of paper.