HC Deb 25 February 1947 vol 433 cc272-3W
110. Mr. R. Lindsay

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs what are the international organisations of which His Majesty's Government are formally members; and what are the financial commitments in each case.

Mr. Mayhew

The main international organisations of which His Majesty's Government are formally members, together with the financial commitments in each case, are as follow: United Nations: United States dollars 3,184.522 (for 1947). International Labour Organisation: About £129,000 (payable in Swiss francs) (for 1947). United Nations Educational and Cultural Organisation: £100,000; the definite scale for the United Kingdom contribution has not yet been fixed, but will probably work out at about 13.5 per cent. of the total annual United Nations Educational and Cultural Organisation Budget. Food and Agriculture Organisation: United States dollars 1,125,000 (for the financial veal 1946–7). International Bank for Reconstruction and Development: The authorised capital Stock is United States dollars 20,000,000,000 of which the United Kingdom has subscribed 1,300 shares of dollars 100,000 each. This subscription is payable as follows: 2 per cent. in gold or United States dollars; 18 per cent. in currency of the subscriber; 8o per cent. either in gold or United States dollars or in currency required to discharge the obligations of the Bank for the purpose for which the call is made, at the convenience of the subscriber. International Monetary Fund: The United Kingdom's quota of the Fund is dollars 1,300,000,000 (i.e. £325,000,000). Of this quota the United Kingdom have to pay in gold, as a minimum, whichever sum is the smalle of; (a) 25 per cent. of our quota, or (b) 10 per cent. of oar own reserves of gold and United States dollars at 12th September, 1946. The balance of our quota is payable in sterling. Provisional International Civil Aviation Organisation: Canadian dollars 196,000 (for the financial year 1946–7) Intergovernmental Committee on Refugees: £800,000 for the year 1947–8. European Central Inland Transport Organisation: Approximately £62,000 for the current year. International Telecommunications Union: Approximately £500, payable in Swiss francs Universal Postal Union: Approximately £775, payable in Swiss francs European Coal Organisation Contribution: for 1947: £11,350. Emergency Economic Committee fin Europe: This organisation has as yet no budget of its own but the Secretariat is provided by member Governments and the small administrative and accommodation expenses are at present provided by His Majesty's Government.

The World Health Organisation, the constitution of which has been signed by His Majesty's Government, has not yet been formally established, nor has the International Refugee Organisation.