HL Deb 31 October 1946 vol 143 c956WA

asked His Majesty's Government whether any indication can be given as to the extent to which road improvement works and new road developments in this country are being delayed at the present time by difficulties and delays in obtaining entry on to the land required; and whether amending legislation will be brought forward at an early date in this connexion.


Except in cases involving the reinstatement of occupiers there is no indication that road improvement works and new road developments are being delayed by difficulties and delays in obtaining entry on to the land required. It is considered that the machinery prescribed by the Acquisition of Land (Authorization Procedure) Act, 1946, will enable expeditious entry to be secured in suitable cases as soon as surveys have been completed, the necessary orders or Parliamentary powers to authorize the works have been obtained, and the other preliminary steps have been taken such as the preparation of working drawings, land plans and reference schedules.