HL Deb 19 December 1946 vol 144 cc1195-6WA

asked His Majesty's Government, whether their attention has been called to the continuing damage being caused to plantations, cattle and sheep and possibly humans, by the emission of obnoxious fumes from the works of the North British Aluminium Company Ltd., near Fort William; in order to conserve public funds, and in view of the fact that the Forestry Commission have already lost approximately one million trees through these fumes, will His Majesty's. Government discontinue further planting within a seven mile radius of the works until the nuisance has been abated; what steps do His Majesty's Government intend taking to stop this nuisance.


A Committee of the Medical Research Council is investigating the medical aspect of this question, taking account also of the veterinary evidence. As regards plantations, damage is occurring near Fort William, particularly to some species of trees, which there is reason to believe is due to obnoxious fumes. This aspect will be examined when the Report of the Committee of the Medical Research Council is received but at present the Government consider that it would be premature entirely to stop planting within a seven mile radius of the British Aluminium Company's Works.

House adjourned at twenty minutes before seven o'clock.