LORD SALTOUNasked whether He Majesty's Government will make a statement as to the granting of facilities for Members of Parliament and other persons of standing to visit the British zone of Germany.
THE PARLIAMENTARY UNDERSECRETARY OF STATE FOR WAR (LORD PAKENHAM)Facilities are now available which will enable members of 1195WA both Houses and persons of standing in public life to visit Germany for legitimate public purposes. These facilities include travel to and from Germany, the reservation of hotel accommodation in Berlin, Hamburg and Düsseldorf and the provision of transport in Germany. The visitors will be expected to pay travel costs, together with a standard charge for accommodation and for local travel in Germany. It will be appreciated that the facilities are limited and the number of visitors who can be accommodated at any one time will be governed by that fact.
The new arrangements will supersede those in force last Session under which organized parties from both Houses and certain individuals visited Germany. Applications from noble Lords who desire to avail themselves of this scheme should be addressed to the Central Secretariat, Control Office for Germany and Austria, Norfolk House, St. James's Square, London, S.W.I. Visits will normally be arranged in order of application and in the light of the accommodation and transport facilities available although there may be occasions on which priority should be given to those with special responsibilities. In the case of persons who are not members of either House, these facilities will be provided only where there are substantial reasons in the interest of the occupation why the proposed visits should take place. It is hoped that similar arrangements will soon be possible in the case of Austria.