HC Deb 02 August 1946 vol 426 cc288-9W
Mr. Awbery

asked the Minister of Transport what amount of money has been spent by the Government on new equipment and improvements in the respective railway-owned docks of this country; and how much of this is recoverable from these port and harbour authorities.

Mr. Barnes

, pursuant to his reply [OFFICIAL REPORT, 20th May, 1946; Vol. 423, c. 2], made the following statement:

Approvals were given to expenditure on new equipment and works at railway-owned docks for purposes connected with the war effort, by the Ministry of Transport, the War Office, the Admiralty and Home Office and the Ministry of Food. The total Government liability is approximately £2,650,000 so far as can be ascertained at present. A number of claims have yet to be received, however, and in the meantime it is not possible to state the final amount which will fall to be met from Government funds.

Part of the expenditure represents contributions in the form of grants towards the total costs of the works or equipment and in these cases they become the property of the railway company concerned. In some cases, however, Government traffic using these facilities is subject to a rebate on the rates, dues or charges normally payable. Part of the expenditure represents the total cost of the provision of new equipment or of works which was met entirely from Government sources, and in these cases the works and equipment remain the property of the Government. In many instances the companies pay hire charges for the use of Government-owned equipment and works.

It is not possible to give the information desired separately in respect of each of the ports without an unjustifiable expenditure of time and effort.

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