HC Deb 06 December 1945 vol 416 cc2712-3W
Mr. Garry Allighan

asked the Secretary of State for War how many Army per- sonnel are now serving sentences for breach of regulations; how many are serving sentences in military detention camps and how many in civilian prisons; how many are serving sentences of less than two years, how many two to three years, and how many three to five years; and how many in those three categories are under twenty-one years of age.

Mr. Lawson

I regret that this information could not be obtained without a great deal of research into individual records at home and abroad, involving the expenditure of considerable time and labour. The normal statistics do not distinguish between breaches of the regulations and other types of offence, nor do they show the ages of the men under sentence. Certain figures were supplied to the lion. Member for Bridgeton (Mr. Maxton) in reply to a Question on 27th November, which may be of use to my hon. Friend. The great bulk of sentences of all kinds are of less than two years and, as has frequently been stated in the House, sentences by Courts Martial are subject to regular review.