HC Deb 05 December 1945 vol 416 c2479W
Sir T. Moore

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether, in view of the advertisements now appearing for personnel required in various branches of the Malayan Civil Service and offering salaries in Straits dollars which are stated in the advertisements to be worth 2S. 4d., he will give an assurance that the purchasing power of the Straits dollar at present is as much as 2s. 4d.; and, if not, what steps will be taken to compensate those who are appointed as a result of these advertisements.

Mr. George Hall

The Malayan dollar is convertible into sterling at the same rate as before the war, i.e.2s. 4d. The advertisement set out the Malayan dollar salaries and allowances and included the words "Malayan Dollars= 2s. 4d." In the present conditions of shortage of goods and services both here and in Malaya I should not be prepared to give an assurance of equality between the two currencies in local purchasing power. It remains the fact however that the Malayan dollar can be exchanged for 2s. 4d.

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