HC Deb 14 October 1943 vol 392 c1094W
Mr. Levy

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food for what reason millers are required to incorporate ¾ per cent. of dried milk in the flour they produce; whether he can state the difference between the ordinary wholesale price of dried milk and the price at which it is supplied to the millers and approximately the annual cost to the Exchequer of the subsidy involved; and will he consider discontinuing this practice in order that more dried milk may be available to housewives and confectioners?

Mr. Mabane

As regards the first part of the Question the fortification of flour with dried milk was introduced as an important means of ensuring that valuable nutrients reached persons needing them most. As regards the second part of the Question the dried milk is charged to controlled millers at substantially the same price as that paid by wholesale distributors. The effect of the inclusion of dried milk in flour on the basis of present quantities is to increase the amount of the flour subsidy by approximately £1,,000,000 per annum. The answer to the last part of the Question is "No, Sir."