HC Deb 31 March 1943 vol 388 cc185-6W
Mr. Parker

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food what price per ton was paid to growers under contract for cabbage, savoy and winter, during February; what was the net price returned to the Ministry per ton from these sales; what was the total tonnage handled and the net gain or loss on the transaction; and what were the prices at which this cabbage was retailed in London, Liverpool, Manchester, Birmingham and Cardiff?

Mr. Mabane

The prices paid to growers, under contracts placed by my Department last autumn, for savoy and winter cabbages delivered in February were, according to the type of contract, £18 or £22 per ton for savoys and £16 or £20 per ton for winter cabbages. The average price returned to the Ministry for these cabbages, after allowing for agents' commission, was £5 18s. 4d. per ton. Savoy and winter cabbages marketed on behalf of the Ministry during February amounted to 1,185 tons I cwt. Including agents' charges and transport costs, the net loss was £19,360 12s. 6d. From the returns available the average retail prices appear to have been about 2½d. per lb. in London; about 3¼d. per lb. in Liverpool, about 3d. per lb. for winter cabbage and 4d. per lb. for savoys in Manchester, about 3d. per lb. in Birmingham, and between 2½d. and 2¾d. in Cardiff.