HC Deb 23 February 1943 vol 387 c46W
Mr. De la Bère

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of War Transport whether consideration will be given to the case of coasting masters who have joined the Merchant Navy Officers Pool, and who have been compelled to leave the pool on account of the shortage of berths for coasting masters; and whether, as some of them have been advised to retire but have no funds on which to do so, this aspect of the case will be given due consideration?

Mr. Noel-Baker

Arrangements are made wherever possible for home-trade officers who are surplus to home-trade requirements, and who are suitable for employment in foreign-going ships, to be offered such employment. The Merchant Navy Reserve pool authorities have found it necessary to ask a number of elderly officers to retire and to seek employment ashore, but this action is only taken when an officer has been on reserve pool pay for a considerable period and when there is no prospect of finding him further employment at sea.