HC Deb 26 November 1942 vol 385 c897W
Sir E. Graham-Little

asked the Minister of Labour the names of members of the Technical Personnel Committee charged with the general direction of the allocation of men with technical qualifications, together with the date of its appointment; and how far this committee supersedes the joint university recruiting boards whose original reference covers the same field?

Mr. Bevin

The Technical Personnel Committee, of which Lord Hankey is chairman, was formed in August, 1941, and deals with all questions relating to the demand for and supply of technical personnel of professional or approximately professional standards, including the determination of priority of demands for suck personnel, its economic use and measures for increasing the supply. The membership consists of representatives of the Government Departments concerned and of the Engineering Advisory Committee. These functions do not conflict with those of the University Joint Recruiting Boards, whose responsibility it is to make recommendations with regard to the initial allocation of young graduates and undergraduates in order that their qualifications may be used to the best advantage.