HC Deb 19 November 1942 vol 385 cc547-8W
Dr. Morgan

asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies (1) whether he is aware of the strong feeling in Jamaica against the manner in which essentiality certificates for petrol for motor-cars are being issued by the local Transport (Defence) Board; who are the members of this Board; on what methods are issues based; and whether a list of the holders of essentiality certificates in Jamaica is available for examination and scrutiny;

(2) to what extent the Jamaican Transport (Defence) Board issued essentiality certificates for petrol to retired military officers not on service duty, prominent managing directors and newspaper writers, and to civil servants and persons, not for public work but to visit their families at week-ends; whether the list of motor-car owners using such certificated petrol, whose motor-cars are frequently to be seen in the vicinity of theatres like the Carib Theatre in Kingston, is available from the police; and what action is being taken to secure more equitable rationing or distribution of petrol in Jamaica for really essential work?

Mr. Harold Macmillan

I have no information on the points raised in these Questions. I am referring them to the Governor of Jamaica and will communicate with the hon. Member on the receipt of his reply.