HC Deb 18 March 1942 vol 378 c1524W
Mr. Snadden

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether he is aware that sheep graded in the South of Scotland are being sent alive to the North of England although there are at least four slaughter-houses fully equipped and capable of handling these sheep in close proximity to the grading centre; and what steps he proposes to take to stop the waste of meat, money and transport involved?

Major Lloyd George

Yes, Sir. I am aware that sheep graded in the South of Scotland are sent alive to the North of England and also that the slaughtering facilities available in Scotland would be capable of slaughtering these sheep. My hon. Friend, is, however, mistaken in assuming that the present methods result in the waste of meat, money and transport. The reverse is true. The shrinkage of live animals in transit is small as compared with the loss which occurs when carcases and offals have to be transported often to places off the main line in the North of England. My Noble Friend sees no reason for amending the present procedure.