§ Major Lyonsasked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies whether, with a view to the abolition of native slum location throughout the Colonial Empire, he has drawn the attention of all Colonial Governments in Africa to the details of the progressive steps taken by the Port Elizabeth municipality in re-housing their African population; and, if not, whether he will consider arranging with the High Commissioner for South Africa for the sending of an observer there, to make a full report for subsequent circulation to the African Colonial Governments?
§ Mr. George HallI am glad to be able to say that active measures for the improvement of housing conditions are being taken in a number of the African dependencies and are under consideration in others. In this connection my Noble Friend will certainly consider the desirability of informing Colonial Governments in Africa of the importance of the housing experiments now in progress at Port Elizabeth and elsewhere in the Union of South Africa.
§ Major Lyonsasked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies whether all Colonial Governments in Africa have received 729W instructions to apply to the Colonial Government Fund for loans to assist in the proper housing, with reasonable amenities, of their native employees, and thereby setting an example to private firms and authorities?
§ Mr. HallColonial Governments in Africa have received no specific instructions to apply for assistance from the Colonial Development and Welfare Vote for improving the housing of their native employees, but the general instructions given to Colonial Governments clearly cover the submission of such schemes. I need hardly say that any such applications in respect of schemes that could be carried out in present circumstances would be sympathetically considered.