HC Deb 23 October 1941 vol 374 cc1917-8W
Mr. Emrys-Evans

asked the Minister of Information what further changes have recently been made in the relationship between the Ministry of Information and the British Broadcasting Corporation?

Mr. Bracken

Some misunderstanding appears to have arisen regarding the effect of the recent changes in the Overseas Division of the B.B.C. upon the status of the corporation as a whole and of the governors in particular. The governors act as trustees to the public and Parliament for the maintenance of the integrity and high standards of British broadcasting. They have always recognised that in wartime it is necessary and right that the Government should control the policy of the B.B.C. in matters affecting the war effort, the publication of news, and the conduct of propaganda. Subject to this measure of control, the governors in addition to their responsibilities as trustees remain in charge of the administration and technical services of the corporation, and of the expenditure of the moneys voted to it by this House.. I will take this opportunity of saying that I am grateful to the chairman and governors of the B.B.C. for their cooperation in effecting these important administrative changes. I believe that they will conduce to that close and efficient liaison between the Government and the B.B.C. which is essential to the needs of this country in war-time.