HC Deb 21 October 1941 vol 374 c1637W
Major Lyons

asked the Secretary of State for War whether he will consider a review of the ages and medical categories and mechanical skill of all military personnel employed as drivers of staff motor cars and motor cycles in this country with a view to their replacement, wherever possible, by older men of the lowest acceptable medical classification equally qualified; and whether he will seek suitable volunteers for such duties from drivers and motor car owners over present military age, fit for such purposes?

Captain Margesson

In operational units drivers of cars and motor cycles must be medically fit to carry out their duties under active service conditions. In home service units drivers are provided as far as possible from the Auxiliary Territorial Service, soldiers of low medical category and trained soldiers who are too young for service overseas. Voluntary enlistment for driving duties is open to men up to the age of 55, and I am glad to take this opportunity of calling attention to the valuable services that may be rendered to the Army in this way by men above military age.

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