HC Deb 09 October 1941 vol 374 cc1128-9W
Mr. Naylor

asked the Home Secretary whether attention is being given, by any scientific or research group under his direction, to the possibility of extinguishing conflagrations by chemical bombs or other scientific means in substitution, wholly or partly, for water, with a view to eliminating dependence on water, reducing the quantity of cumbersome material now necessary for fire-fighting purposes, and more quickly and effectively dealing with the dangers and destructiveness of large fires?

Mr. H. Morrison

Yes, Sir. This problem has been the subject of constant investigation and research. I have under consideration at the present time measures for further strengthening the organisation for fire-fighting research and my hon. Friend may he sure that this problem is one of those which will have special attention.

Mr. Barstow

asked the Home Secretary whether the local authority is responsible for fire-watching arrangements; and on what grounds the Regional Commissioner has decided that a member of the Goole police force has been seconded for duty in connection with fire-watching arrangements?

Mr. Morrison

Local authorities are responsible for organising the fire-prevention arrangements at all premises, whether residential or business, within their areas except at those business premises for which some other appropriate authority is responsible under the Fire Prevention (Business Premises) (No. 2) Order, 1941. As regards the second part of the Question, I understand that no decision has yet been reached.