HC Deb 15 March 1940 vol 358 cc1519-20W
Sir R. W. Smith

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what arrangements he proposes in connection with increased production for extended credit facilities for farmers in Scotland?

Mr. Colville

I am assured that the Scottish banks are in close and sympathetic touch with the Scottish farmers and that, in general, there will be no difficulty in farmers, whose financial position is reasonably satisfactorily, obtaining adequate credit to enable them to play their full part in the programme of increased food production. I recognise, however, that there may be a minority of farmers who find themselves in some particular difficulty in regard to the supply of materials and services for increased production, and I have been in consultation with the banks and have arranged with them that they will, on application, make special arrangements for dealing with such cases, and wherever possible will make the necessary advances. Farmers who require such special facilities in order to enable them to carry out the instructions of the Agricultural Executive Committees should accordingly apply to a bank, which in the case of farmers having a banking connection should be the bank with which they have been in the habit of dealing. I should like to say that I am very much indebted to the Scottish banks for their ready co-operation in this arrangement which will ensure that the necessary credits will be made available to farmers who need them with a minimum of delay.