HC Deb 10 April 1940 vol 359 cc596-7W
Mr. Woodburn

asked the Minister of Transport whether he is aware that there is a charge of 3d. for platform tickets at the London and Northern Eastern Railway stations at Queen Street, Glasgow, and Waverley Station, Edinburgh, and that this charge entails the sale of tickets at the ordinary booking-office windows, involving delay, irritation, and sometimes loss of train to passengers; and whether he will arrange for automatic machines as at other stations to provide platform tickets at 1d.?

Captain Wallace

I am informed by the Railway Executive Committee that the accommodation on the platforms at these stations is such that increased use by persons who are not travelling by train would seriously hamper station working. For this reason, particularly in present circumstances, the railway company consider it desirable, in the interests of bona fide passengers, that no reduction should be made in the charge of 3d. which it has been the custom to make for a platform ticket at these stations.

Mr. Woodburn

asked the Minister of Transport whether he is aware of the congestion at Edinburgh and Glasgow London and North Eastern Railway stations, where there is difficulty in passengers reaching their train owing to the difficulties of ticket-checking for large numbers of passengers and friends; and whether he will arrange for a separate and easy entrance to the platform for passengers?

Captain Wallace

At Waverley Station, Edinburgh, difficulties have arisen in connection with certain trains which carry large numbers of Service men returning from leave. A new platform gate is being erected, which, it is hoped, will relieve the congestion. At Queen Street Station, Glasgow, the arrangements are generally satisfactory, although on a recent occasion there was some congestion owing to exceptional and unexpected conditions. A separate entrance to the platform would not be practicable here owing to restricted space.