HC Deb 04 October 1939 vol 351 cc1988-9W
Mr. Purbrick

asked the Minister of Economic Warfare what British ships since the war, laden with animal feeding-stuffs for foreign ports, have been allowed to contnue to their destination; and, in view of the shortage of these commodities in England, why were such cargoes not diverted here?

Mr. Cross:

Following are the names of eight British ships having on board feeding-stuffs (excluding wheat) which have been allowed to proceed to their destination in neutral countries: Steamships "Benledi," "Frumenton," "Helenus," " Jessmore," "Saint Elwyn," "Sneaton," "South Wales" and "Telesfora de Larrinaga."

I would remind my hon. Friend that it is not the policy of His Majesty's Government to seize cargoes with regard to which there is no evidence of enemy destination. No question, therefore, arises of interfering with cargoes destined for the internal consumption of neutral countries.