HC Deb 04 October 1939 vol 351 cc1989-90W
Lieutenant-Commander Tufnell

asked the Secretary for Mines whether, since rabbit-trappers are now a national necessity and normally kill, in many cases, rabbits at the rate of about 6,000 a month, he will investigate complaints of the difficulty experienced by them in securing sufficient petrol to enable them to carry out their work and dispose of the result?

Mr. Lloyd

I am not aware of any difficulty by rabbit trappers in securing supplementary allowances of petrol for carrying on their work. These persons can apply to the Divisional Petroleum Officers for supplementary allowances in cases where the basic ration does not provide for their essential needs.

Captain Strickland

asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury whether, in view of any possible shortage of petrol available for road-transport, he will consider means for the encouragement of the use of alternative fuel by tax remission, available pay-load adjustment, or other means?

Captain Crookshank:

The operation of petrol rationing may well encourage the use of alternative fuels, but in my view remission of taxation in any form is not the best method of giving further encouragement.