HC Deb 14 November 1939 vol 353 c584W
Mr. N. Maclean

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Information, whether he is aware that Wales now gets a number of alternative radio programmes from the British Broadcasting Corporation; that Scotland now has no alternative programme; that the new alternative programme for Wales is on the old Scottish national wavelength; and whether he will make representations to the governors of the British Broadcasting Corporation to give a satisfactory alternative programme to Scotland?

Sir E. Griģģ

I am informed by the B.B.C. that a number of items in the Welsh language are being broadcast for the special benefit of Welsh speaking listeners, on a wavelength used at present primarily for broadcasts to European countries. Arrangements are now being made for periodic broadcasts in Gaelic to be given, on the same principle, and on the same wavelength as the Welsh items, for the benefit of Gaelic speaking listeners in Scotland. This additional service will start about the beginning of December. Both the Welsh and the Gaelic items are supplementary to the B.B.C 's. Home Service programme and neither could be regarded as an alternative service.