HC Deb 17 July 1939 vol 350 c46W
Sir W. Jenkins

asked the Minister of Labour what number, if any, of tip-heaps in the distressed areas of South Wales have been removed for the purposes of improving the local amenities; how many have been removed for the purpose of erecting new industries; and will he take steps to remove the tip under the Glyn-corrwg Urban District Council, which is a nuisance and a menace to the Glyn corrwg village, who are deprived of a playing field by the existence of the tip?

Mr. E. Brown:

The Commissioner for the Special Areas has examined very carefully the best method of dealing with tip-heaps in certain districts in South Wales and, having regard to practical and financial considerations, has made it known to local authorities that he is prepared to entertain applications for planting heaps with trees or shrubs with a view to the improvement of local amenities. The Commissioner has also assisted a number of voluntary amenity schemes which have included levelling on a small scale and the provision of football fields and playgrounds.

In the case of the tip-heap referred to by the hon. Member, the Commissioner is not satisfied that expenditure on levelling would be justified.