HC Deb 14 December 1939 vol 355 c1328W
Mr. David Adams

asked the Secretary of State for Air whether it was with his authority that the commanding officer of headquarters, Group No. 2, issued an order to the officer in charge of the stations under his command, requesting them to arrange that, for the future, civilian employment should be limited to such occupations as labourer and gardener; that this order will mean the discharge of 21 civilian clerks, most of whom are ex-service men of the last war and are too old for military service, and to prevent unemployed ex-service men with clerical experience being given appointments to any further posts that may arise in this particular group; and whether he will cause the order to be withdrawn?

Sir K. Wood

I am having inquiries made into the matter referred to by the hon. Member and will communicate with him as soon as I am in a position to do so.